Here are some pictures from the FILIPINO Picnic.. We had so much fun that day. We had people perform but we didn't get pictures from that. It was such a load atmosphere with kids and parents laughing!

Matt and I doing a funny pose behind the banner. Mabuhay!!

The kids doing the chair game to the song, "YMCA!" Lots of fun!

This is something that is traditional to Filipino parties from birthdays, anniversaries to weddings.. Lechon Baboy (Roasted Pig)! I haven't seen one of these in a while. This is half of the original size. The FILIPINOS devoured it! LOL!!

Matt did his hungry pose. Now, the pig is really small now. The middle portion of body is gone! We eat both the meat and skin. Most Filipinos like the skin coz it's crunchy. I personally am not crazy about it although I don't mind eating it. I prefer the meat which I don't really eat much of it either. I just try to stay away from pork.
Here we are.. we decided to include the pig again in this picture since I won't be seeing one of these until Christmas hopefully. Ashley is hiding behind the pig.

This me with Elvie, one of the Filipinos I met. She had wanted a picture together so she had somebody take this with her camera. I didn't see her for a week or so after the picnic and then she suddenly dropped by my work and gave me a copy of the picture! I had wanted one but didn't let her know and was thinking about her then she showed up!