Hi everyone!It's been a while but I haven't forgotten my blog! I intend to keep it as my e-scrapbook as my husband Matt would call it.
Anyway, exciting changes has happened in the past few weeks! We finally got our own VEHICLE! It's a 2005 Toyota Matrix... very nice car! It's not a mini-van but it's not just a car. It's like a mixture of both coz it's not really big enough to be a mini-van. We love it! Praise God for His provision.. for all of you who have supported us and prayed for us during this time, we thank you so much! You share with our joy!
We also just moved in to our very own place! It's very convenient because it's like a five-minute walk to my work (which saves us a lot in gas and time) and just about 10 minutes or so away from Mom and Dad. It's a nice place for us.. 2 bedrooms and 1 bath which is just right for us.
We just also got our internet hooked up last week so now I can make updates with my blog and friendster! And probably email some of you guys who have emailed me..
Also, we just ordered our cellphones too and will be in next tuesday or so.. Thank you Mom for your patience and for helping us with it! We appreciate you a lot! Also for Leah for helping me with my phone choices.. Family is great!
I will be taking my driver's test on Monday! Yup.. that would be another news in the blog!
God is soo good! He is faithful to His word.. I am very thankful for every little and big thing that God has blessed us with! From the new place, the new vehicle down to our new cellphones! It doesn't matter what it is.. I THANK AND PRAISE GOD!!