Fourth of July
My first fourth of July in America! God is so good. I know that He has us here for this season for a reason. There is a reason for this season! (Cool rhyming).. Anyway, we had fun as a family. We had dinner at mom and dad's house with their neighbors Fred and Bonnie (very nice people to hang out with).Then, we went outside and watched our neighbors' cool sky fireworks! I haven't seen one with my naked eyes in a long time since the day that fireworks and firecrackers were banned by the mayor in the city I live (and love) in the Philippines. So it was a nice experience for me.
Theeeen, we did our own cute version.. Matt is on the background in one of the pictures. You can see how amused he is. I love that guy soo much.. He is such a handsome Man of God! Enjoy the pics!