Celebrity Look-A-Likes
Here it is.. Somebody had this on their friendster account and invited me to try it. So I did! So this collage tells me who I look like the most with this picture. But one thing and the one and only BIG celebrity in the whole universe that was not here was.. JESUS CHRIST.I had fun with this collage but the Lord brought something into my attention with this... "Many people want to look like the celebrities that they admire but one thing I desire for My people is to look like Me. That's why I sent My Son, Jesus Christ so that they can have the ultimate example and the very one who manifested My Image.."
We were made in the image and likeness of God. I desire to be used until I DIE! If I live, I live for JESUS.. and when I grow old, I will not face regret because I have obeyed the LORD.. and when it's time for me to depart, I have died empty because I have given ALL..
God is GOOD! When you have TASTED AND SEEN.. you will never be the same and you can never go back to where you were before..