Douglas County Fair
Douglas County Fair.. it was a fun tuesday afternoon. Matt and I went to watch Ashley in her gymnastics class. She was great! The place kinda reminded me of what I used to do.. yeaars ago! LOL!! I don't think I can even do a split anymore.. Hmmm.. But I think I can still do a cartwheel and a roundhouse (The memory of my instuctor telling me the proper way to do them and the purpose of doing it the proper way is coming back.. LOL!)..Anyway, after that we went to the fair with Mom and Ashley.. They had rides but we didn't go to any of them. We were kinda more excited about the animals, the arts and the food! Guess what I had?!!.. I had a BBQ Chicken and Fried Rice! LOL! Yup.. I missed the days when we were at the compound in Davao with Lache's famous dinner.. I'm a Filipino, what can I say?? Chicken and Rice are a part of what I call "meal.."
Here are some photos we took.. One is in front of a Biiiig Truck! Enjoy..