I had my birthday last April 5th.. I turned 27 years old! WOW, can you believe that? Time flies by but I don't feel a day older.. just years wiser! LOL!!God has been GOOD and will always be! I am in a season of my life right now where I can look back and SEE the hand of God in my life. Had it not been for Him, my life would be different and without a purpose. My DESTINY is to fulfill the will of God in my life. My DESTINY is to KNOW HIM intimately!
Anyway, I got some cool gifts from Mom and Dad Coil! I got new shirts and a pair of cool looking jeans! Thank you Lord! LOL!! I also got some cool stuff from my one and only gugma husband! I also got a card and a gift card for COLD STONE from my dear friend AMY!! I felt so special that day!
Leah Schlesinger took me out to lunch and I had dinner with my family (Matt, Dad and Mom) at Red Robin where the crew sang a HAPYY BIRTHDAY song and I got a free burger meal and dessert! Not to mention the Red Robin balloons I got! LOL!! Thank you so much Mom and Dad for taking me out to dinner on my birthday.. that was really special! I also got a cool card from Leah & Ashley Coil! That was a good one Leah.. Thank you so much! I also appreciate your gift.. thank you!
Overall, it was such a BLESSED day for me! God is soo good and faithful!! I don't have pictures from that day though. I only got a chance to take pictures of the CAKE that Rachelle and Sarah Weinberg made me! Thank you so much ladies! That was really sweet of you!