Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Greetings from Roseburg!

Matt and I arrived in Portland, Oregon on December 24th. We flew from Manila to Tokyo for 3 hours, had a 2-hour layover and then flew from Tokyo to Portland for 8 hours. The plane ride wasn't that bad although that was my first long flight overseas. Mom picked us up at the airport and we drove for 3 hours to Roseburg.

It is such a blessing to be able to spend Christmas with family and now also New Year's! It was really a special time for us and for Matt's parents as well. God is so good! I know I keep saying that but that is really who God is regardless of the circumstances around.

Everything with my immigrant visa worked out in God's appointed time. I told Matt that it was a sweet victory for us because it was all in God's time. It was not my time nor Matt's time but it was KAIROS - God's appointed time! In every test comes a testimony! And in everything, He gets all the glory as all glory and honor really belongs to Him alone.

That's why as you spend time with your family and friends know this --- JESUS is the reason for this season! Don't forget to thank Him for all that He is and will be in your life. Don't focus too much on what you have or don't have, what the other person say or did not say or if you were offended by someone. Know what matters to you most, know that there is a bigger picture and Jesus is the superstar.

Anyway, we haven't put any pictures yet but there will be some soon! We pray that you enjoy your time with family and friends - people who are important to you!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Matt and Lindsay Coil