Saturday, December 02, 2006

Miracle Report from the Coils

Miracles do happen..

Praise God for He is worthy to be praised!

So here is the scoop. Two Wednesdays ago we took Lindsay in to have her breast examined. The Doctor examined the right side and found a lump and said it had to be removed. So the next day on Thursday she had Surgery to have it removed (it was a little bigger than a golf ball) and it went very well although the expenses for the surgery was a very large unexpected amount for us that we did not have at that time. We also had the lump checked which takes a week to see if it was cancerous or not. On top of that the Surgeon told us that he had checked the left breast and had found another one that needed to be removed. Wow that was a one two three for us.

It was hard seeing Lindsay go through that surgery let alone to have another one done. The Doctor told us to come back on Monday to schedule the second surgery. So we did and we scheduled it for Tuesday afternoon. Monday and Tuesday I had been fasting and praying for her healing and God had dropped a word in my heart that she was healed. I was very excited so I told her and then I checked her left breast but still felt something but we believed any way.

Tuesday afternoon we went to the hospital to check into the ER to prepare her for the surgery which is the procedure but we were so persistent to have her checked one more time before she goes in because we knew God had healed her. So after a while and a lot of funny looks from hospital staff we were able to have the Doctor check her breast for the lump one more time... As he was checking her he was giving puzzled looks then he used two hands to check her but WALA! (in their language means NOTHING!) He could not find any thing! We had a big smile on our faces and some squeaks came out of Lindsay not just for the fact that it was gone but that also she did not have to go through surgery again. PRAISE GOD! THAT IS OUR GOD!

The doctor said to come back Friday after noon so he could do a final check to make sure and give us the report from the biopsy on the other lump that was taken out. So on Friday we had Lindsay checked again and... WALA again! He could not find anything and the lump that was taken out from her right breast was just a Benign tumor and was not Cancerous! Praise God again and again! On top of that our home church took an offering to help with the expenses of the surgery and extra to help with all the other many miscellaneous amounts. Praise God again and again and again!

Thank you all so much for your prayers! Prayer is powerful. Also thank you GVCA for all your love and support. To God be the Glory!

God bless you..

Much love,
Matt and Lindsay Coil