My First Thanksgiving in the US! It was great to be able to spend time with family and enjoy each other that day. Of course the food was great too! One of the best part during the meal was when we all took turns thanking GOD for who He is and where He has taken us through individually and as a family this year. Praise GOD!
This year was a year of Growth for me both spiritually and naturally. It is a blessing for me to be here in the US and to experience first hand the "other side of the world." My view and faith has expanded a lot in a sense that I am so much more open for what we think are the "impossibilities" to be really more of "possibilities" with GOD. That even though I have had experienced and seen a lot of miracles and people being delivered during the whole 8 years since I got saved, I KNOW that I KNOW and BELIEVE and am EXPECTING for MORE! I can sense it in my spirit! I am positioning myself in expectancy and NOT LIMIT GOD! Anything can absolutely happen!
Being married to Matt Coil has been a very very wonderful exprience! That is absolutely one of the best decisions that I have ever made. I know that I have grown so much since I got married and he continues to challenge me in ways that make me grow! I am soo thankful to God for my husband! I have seen him being faithful even for the little things and I think that it has blessed us during this time of transition. He has such a heart for people and a heart to serve even when no one's watching. He is a true spiritual leader and father.
I am blessed with the family I have here too. My in-laws are wonderful people who love GOD!.. and ME! That's something that I cherish soo much! I have always felt that I was actually "born into" the family. There is such a close-knit relationship that goes beyond words. To Dad, Mom, Leah & Ashley.. I thank GOD for all of you!
GVCA & GEN CHURCH.. Thank you for receiving us and allowing us to serve while we are here. I thank GOD for the friendships that we have made in the church.
THANK YOU GOD for this life! Without You life would not be life at all..
Having all that said, here are some photos of us during Thanksgiving Day. Enjoy!
Lizzie and Casey
Thanks for making the food Mom! I helped with the pumpkin pies but she's the woman behind the rest of the food that we ate that night! It was awesome. We came back the next night for leftovers! Sweet!

We ARE Family! We miss you Leah & Ashley. We'll see ya on Christmas week! :)