The Cause
For this cause I was born, and for this cause I have come into the world, that I should bear witness to the truth... John 18:37bFrom Left-Right:
1. King Louie
- Started with North Life at age 17, current age 20 years old
- Current Job - Telemarketer
- Leading Bible Studies and Prayer Meetings
2. Jesa
- started with North Life at age 15, current age 19 years old
- Current Job - Administrative Assistant at Spirit Life Bible College
- Mentor and Leader
3, Bing
- started with North Life at age 15, current age 20 years old
- Current Job - Missionary to Thailand
4. Charisse
- started with North Life at age 13, current age 19 years old
- Mentor and Leader
5. Grace
- started with North Life at age 14, current age 19 years old
- Current Job - Fulltime University Student
- Discipling classmates, Mentor and Leader

We want all you guys to know that we are proud of you for stepping out and continuing to walk in faith! You are an inspiration to a lot of young people out there. You are making a difference! This is our way of letting you know that we miss you, we love you and we believe in you! There is so much more to discover! Don't give up and don't limit GOD! Don't stop seeking Him! He is able to do things in your life exceedingly, abundantly and above all that you could ever ask or think!
We are still here to encourge you!
Matt & Lindsay