Fun with Leah & Ashley
Matt and I stayed with Leah & Ashley for almost two weeks during our LA trip. We had so much fun just spending time with them and doing things together. I have to say that Leah is my one and only coolest sister-in-law! And of course Ashley is my one and only "shaka" niece (in surfers' term it means "awesome")!
Thank you so much Leah & Ashley for having us and for all the fun times we had during those weeks. Thank you also for helping us out during our California Reception. You guys rock! We appreciate and love you both so much!

Matt & Ashley

Me & Ashley

Matt & I by the beach

Me with Leah & Ashley at The Grove. Leah took us for a tour & dinner at the Farm! We had the greatest all-time favorite dessert.. yumyum! Thanks Leah!

Matt & I.. being married!

Us again!.. beautiful background isn't it?

Facing the Giants!! LOL!! Yes, that's me with Matt, Leah (Matt's sister), Darren & Heather (Friends in LA). Darren & Heather invited us over for dinner at their place. And so.. it just happens that they're in the 6-feet club!.. Matt is 6'5", Leah is 6'2", Darren is 6'11" and Heather is 6'5"! Wow.. but they're all sweethearts.