Issue of Abortion in the Elections
This is a longer version of the video clip that Lou Engle showed last night and earlier tonight at the pre-call service. I got it off of You Tube.
Rick Warren (Author of Purpose Driven Life) interviewed both McCain and Obama.
This has become one of the important issues this year. I personally am not able to vote yet because I am not a citizen of the United States yet. But I know I have a voice and I will speak the Truth and pray for this nation. I know I am here for such a time as this.
When Lou Engle spoke the last two nights, there was a deep cry inside of me and I cried. And then he said this --- "Pay close attention to you tears because they point to what moves you and they point to your destiny." I will never forget those words. I cried not because I was sad but because I am thankful that I get to be a part of what God is doing in this nation. I get to witness God move in behalf His people.
God bless United States of America!
THE CALL in San Diego
This is one of the videos I was talking about that Lou Engle showed. This is the promo video of THE CALL in San Diego which will be on November 1st.
Outpouring Youth & Young Adults Pastors Conference

Matt & I had the opportunity to be a part of the conference this week. Tomorrow morning is our last session. God is soo good!
We got in for free which would normally cost us $90 each. We also got front row reserved seats! Hahaha! It gets better coz we were also able to hang out at Kris Valloton's house (For those of you who don't know, Kris is the Associate Pastor/Leader at Bethel Church) with Lou Engle and everybody who was in the conference. We played volleyball and had a barbeque with yummy desserts! On top of that, I was able to meet Lou Engle which was awesome. Thank you Jesus!
Anyway, Lou's message was awesome! He showed us two videos which I will post as soon as I find them. He did a pre-call tonight at Bethel that's why I'm still awake doing this. I am determined to find the two videos and post them!
I don't have pictures of Matt and I during the conference though. Matt took some pictures and videos (on his phone) of Lou preaching and that was it.
Well, we had a blast! God is soo good! I am very much in awe of His goodness and favor! He is a good God in a good mood! Hahaha!