The Cause
For this cause I was born, and for this cause I have come into the world, that I should bear witness to the truth... John 18:37b
From Left-Right:
1. King Louie
- Started with North Life at age 17, current age 20 years old
- Current Job - Telemarketer
- Leading Bible Studies and Prayer Meetings
2. Jesa
- started with North Life at age 15, current age 19 years old
- Current Job - Administrative Assistant at Spirit Life Bible College
- Mentor and Leader
3, Bing
- started with North Life at age 15, current age 20 years old
- Current Job - Missionary to Thailand
4. Charisse
- started with North Life at age 13, current age 19 years old
- Mentor and Leader
5. Grace
- started with North Life at age 14, current age 19 years old
- Current Job - Fulltime University Student
- Discipling classmates, Mentor and Leader

We want all you guys to know that we are proud of you for stepping out and continuing to walk in faith! You are an inspiration to a lot of young people out there. You are making a difference! This is our way of letting you know that we miss you, we love you and we believe in you! There is so much more to discover! Don't give up and don't limit GOD! Don't stop seeking Him! He is able to do things in your life exceedingly, abundantly and above all that you could ever ask or think!
We are still here to encourge you!
Matt & Lindsay
Happy Birthday Leah & Ashley!.. Leah & Ashley's birthdays were last October 8th & 9th. I know the pictures are kinda late (a month late actually) but I didn't get the pictures til last week so.. that's my excuse! LOL!
Anyway, we love you Leah & Ashley! Even though we were not there to celebrate with you.. we'll see ya on CHRISTMAS!!! Miss you guys! :)

From Amy Harris
God is so Good..
Current mood: determined
I started writing this morning while I was in God's presence and even though I rarely feel led to share what I write, I really feel I need to share this... forgive me if its choppy or hard to follow at all, it is what it is...
Something is happening in Roseburg. In this little, seemingly God forsaken town, hearts are being awakened. The Holy Spirit is alive and well at GVCA and is doing a work within the leadership and the church body. This isn't happening in only GVCA either. It is so obvious and exciting- transformation must start in the church. I truly feel that God's going to use my generation to cause the forest fire. There's been multiple visions and dreams where the Roseburg High School buildings are symbolicly on fire with the students united, together praying all around. Something is happening. He's choosing people as I write, to be leaders of this movement. I definitly feel called to be a part of this severe and radical change in my city, I am meant to be here for this season. How awesome is it that we don't need Bible school to know Jesus and to hear Him speak. I love that He chooses people based on willingness and potential- Esther is one of my favorite examples of this. Sure she went through a training or 'beautification' if you will, but that was all part of her predetermined plan ordained by her Heavenly Father. She simply had to be willing to live and/or die for God's people... she put her life on the line in obedience to the one and only true King..."..if I perish, I perish." (Es. 4:16) What a bold decision! And she made that decision before the time came to take action. Her heart, mind and soul were in complete alignment with God's will and it didn't matter what happened after that. She was going to follow through even if it meant death. And because of her determination, she changed the course of history.We need some Esther's in this time! I am an Esther. Fortunately, we're not at the point of persecution for our faith yet (as a majority) in the United States. We think a huge sacrifice is someone making fun or telling us we're crazy..."Oh the pain and agony we have to endure... the struggle and strife I go through when I speak the name of Jesus"... please... BRING IT ON! If there is anyone stumbling in their faith because someone intimidates you with words, you need to decide before you even leave your house, everyday, that you love Jesus and you will live in continuous worship of who He is and what He's done for you. You have no excuse because the Lord is your strength and your song! (Ex.15:2 & Is.12:2) The Lord's love endures forever! (Ps.136:1) He promises this- our love for Him should be the same!For this hour in our city we need people who are bold and expectant. The King needs kingdom ambassadors. We need to start with the little things, the minor heart transformations like in our attitudes, our offenses and our prejudgements. We need to start with the basics of unconditional love if we want to gain righteousness... once we understand these things, or at least desire to understand these things, our hearts will be changed and our spirits aligned with God's will. He'll show us what He sees and what He wants. His desires will become our desires. Our willingness to fight for the lost will turn into a fight to the death- FOR LIFE! Praise God!!
"If anyone has an ear, let him hear: If anyone is to be taken captive, to captivity he goes; if anyone is to be slain with the sword, with the sword must he be slain. Here is a call for the endurance and faith of the saints." Revelation 13:9-10