A Year of Birthing!

I love this -- "If you can dream it, you can have it. And after you dream, let that long arm of reality reach out and pull that dream into today. And along with my actions, I await the secret of my success: Timing." Ever since I was a kid I have always dreamed. I love to imagine and dream! Those dreams and imaginations have taken me to places, allowed me to see beyond what the natural eyes can see. I treasure that. I treasure the things which are unseen because I know that they are more real.
I have come to realize more and more that I am a dreamer, an idealist & crazy in love with my Daddy God! Hahaha! Sure I have my moments but they stay that way.. just moments..
I believe that God has a significant purpose for this year like any other year. I see unlimited sources and supernatural encounters. It's going to be an explosion of His presence through love and passion for the things that God burns for... It's going to be BEAUTIFUL! It's not just something that we talk about or hope for... It's here and we're ready!
Acts 13:36 - David served God's purpose in his generation, then he died..
Making a living is not the same thing as making a life. What we've done for ourselves dies with us. But what we've done for others remains. We make a living by what we get but we make a life by what we give.
Looking forward to an awesome year!!