"In it to win it Coils"
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Sunday, January 13, 2008
From Derek Prince
Psalm 105:17-19Here is a word for you from the Word.
[God] sent a man before them, Joseph, who was sold as a slave. They afflicted his feet with fetters; he himself was laid in irons, until the time that his word came to pass, the word of the LORD tested him. NAS
The life of Joseph began with great promise. Earlier in his youth, the Lord gave him a dream that showed him that he would be elevated to a position of great authority. He would rule over his brothers. Even his father and mother would come bowing down before him. What happened next? The very opposite of what God had promised. His brothers betrayed him, sold him as a slave into Egypt, and, because he was faithful to his Egyptian master, he eventually ended up in prison. He was in fetters, his soul was in iron.
How did Joseph respond to that situation? Did he say to himself, “Everything’s gone wrong! The Lord’s promise will never come true”? No, I don’t believe that. It says, “Until the time that the promise came, the word of the Lord tested him.” How important it is to see that when the Lord gives us a promise, many times everything that happens next will seem to be the very opposite of what God has promised. It’s so important that at times like that we don’t give up on the promise, we don’t say, “God has forgotten; God has failed.”
You see, that promise that God gave us is testing us. It’s testing our faith and our constancy to see if we’ll hold on in the darkest hour. And when we pass the test, then, like Joseph, the promise will be fulfilled. - Derek Prince
Monday, January 07, 2008
"Making a living is not the same thing as making a life. What we've done for ourselves dies with us. But what we've done for others remains. We make a living by what we get but we make a life by what we give."This is the essence of legacy.. of discipleship. It is not only about us and about our generation. But it is also about the generations to come.
In the 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, John Maxwell speaks of four types of accomplishment in a leader’s life:
• ACHIEVEMENT comes to someone when he is able to do great things for himself;
• SUCCESS comes when he empowers followers to do great things with him;
• SIGNIFICANCE comes when he develops leaders to do great things for him;
• but a LEGACY is created when a person puts his organization into the position to do great things without him.
Friday, January 04, 2008
COIL Family
Our family picture.. This is just a sample of one of the pictures taken. The actual photos are going to be in color. The pictures turned out really nice.Anyway, I have beautiful inlaws huh? I married into a beautiful family! I am the latest addition. Do I fit in? LOL! I've always felt like I was actually born into the family.. But anyway, I know I will be shortest that's for sure!
Well, enjoy the pic! This is as big as it can get in the blog.. :)

Tuesday, January 01, 2008
New Year!!
Here is the first & second part of the encouraging word that God spoke to my heart when I was praying one day and it encouraged me a lot. Our future is brighter than what we see and think.. 2008 is the year of new beginnings! A year of birthing of new ministries, new life, new hope & opportunities! New season to look forward to!"There is a time and a season for everything. God has made everything beautiful in His time. There is nothing too hard or impossible for God. At the appointed time the vision will be birthed. God knows from the beginning to the end. But right now some things are necessary for our growth because some things are not just taught but caught. God is taking you into a process wherein you can believe in your own conversion. We are transformed according to our encounter with Him. He will show you His ways. You will not only know His voice but also the very beating of His heart."
I believe that God is encouraging us to wait for His Presence, hear His heartbeat and get in line with His best for us. He is realinging and developing our faith because times and seasons change although God remains the same. We must allow our heart to align with His heart so that His presence can lead us into the new thing He has for us. If we obey and hear His voice, He will take us from glory to glory. But we must remember that our time is not the way God gauges time because His time is eternal. He will wait as long as necessary. But as you desire and continue to seek His face, you will be amazed at what you see and how you see your situations because God is faithful and He will move.. immdediately and suddenly! The intensity of seeking Him is how we free the Spirit of God to move!
I am very excited and I am ever looking forward to what's ahead but without neglecting and missing what He is doing in our lives right now!
Anyway, here is a link to a worship clip from the Jesus Culture Conference (Bethel Church) last year. I love it! Matt and I and some friends are going there in the beginning of February. Enjoy and have a blessed New Year to you all!!
Song - We Cry Out