The White Castle
This is the Davao Base (Philippines). This is where all the action is! We have Spirit Life Bible College during the week, North Life Youth Ministry during Saturdays (saturday programs) and Embassy Christian Center (church) & Kids on the Go Children's Ministry on Sundays.
It is an all-purpose facility as it is also the home of the staff. And we always refer to it as the castle coz as you can see it really does look like one. When you go up to the third floor and up to the tower, you can see a view of Mount Apo, the Davao Bay, and a part of the city. This is also where Matt and I had our formal wedding ceremony.
Hi everybody!
I just had surgery last November 23rd here in Davao (Yes I spent my Thanksgiving in the hospital). I had developed a mass/lump on my right breast. It was like the size of a golf ball or a little bigger so it was big! I had it taken out and also the small cyst I had on my upper right chest near my neck.
I am resting right now. The stitches were painful on the first day after the anesthesia wore off so I had to express myself in different ways. Matt said I am a drama queen! Hahaha. That's the funny side of me.
It's just funny how last sunday I was asked to preach in the church service here and I preached on Job. My message was actually titled "Consider Job." Sandra said it was a really NOW Word for the church and the ministry as a whole. People told me how they were really blessed and how it was for them. Well, it was for me too! Hahaha.
I started off with this scripture.. "That
which is had already been, and
what is to be has already been; and God requires an account of what is past..." Eccl. 3:15. Whatever God's going to do for you, He has already done it. Our part is to agree with what the Word of God says about us and what His promises are for us. Through what? By calling things out as though they were.. and that is faith. Faith is agreeing with God and what His Word says.
The test often comes just before we are released into a "double portion." The double portion that Job received after his test was already prepared by God. God wanted Job to know and see for himself if he has the character and integrity to handle what He had prepared for him. Remember in Eccl. 3:15 - Whatever God's going to do for you, He has already done it.
The test doesn't come with a loud public announcement that says, "This is a test, this is only a test!" A true test examines what we are under stress and in real life conditions. It appears in our lives without forewarning that a test is coming.
God is not just looking at how well we can outwardly "look Christian," He is examining the quality of what we actually are. And even more important than just possessing the "right answers," He desires that we possess the right attitudes and responses.
For us who are followers of Christ and whose ultimate goal is to be conformed to His image, God gives us the answer to every test we experience - become like Jesus Christ.. It says in Romans 8:28 - 29... "And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren..." God doesn't call you without a purpose. He does have a great plan for you and I.
Your test might just be a door to your abundance... so do not let the devil steal your joy and your peace that will keep you from entering your place of abundance!
Psalm 66:10 - 12 "For you, O God, tested us; you refined us like silver. You brought us into prison and laid burdens on our backs. You let men ride over our heads; we went through fire and water,
but you brought us to a place of abundance. Amen!
God is good. It was a NOW Word for me. It is helping me right now. Coz I know that God doesn't want me to just have the "right answers" to people who go to me for counsel or for those who hear me preach but He desires that I possess the
"right attitude and responses" to my circumstances. Like actually living out what you preach. Being the rhema (living) word as much as Christ is the living Word.
The doctor found another mass that is hidden on my left breast. And we will have to have it taken off also. God is good. I trust that my life is in His hands and that He is in control. Although the enemy wants to kill, steal and destroy me.. Jesus came to give me life and life more abundantly. Not only life but life more abundantly! Praise God! When God restores, He restores way more than what the enemy intended to destroy. He is a good God and I know that He loves me and He cares for me.
I could spend my time complaining on what could've been but I will continue to praise God because I don't have a spouse like Job had who would tell me to curse God and die. No, I am very thankful to God for Matt who would stand with me and tell me to confess the Word and continue to stand on the Word. I have a lot to be thankful to God for.
Well, that's my story. I know it's a long one but I pray that you enjoyed that. God is good!
Before and After...
Matt and Lindsay year 1981...

25 years later in 2006... All in God's time!
"Who am I?" - That is the question most people ask themselves. But my question is - "How do you see yourself?" In answer to that, I usually go the story of the son of King Louis...
King Louis had been taken away from his throne and put into prison. The people who had dethroned the king took his son, the young prince. They thought that since the prince was heir to the throne, if they could destroy him morally, then he would not realize the great destiny that life had given him. They took him to a community far away, and there they exposed the boy to every filthy and bad thing that life had to offer. They exposed him to very rich foods, so that he would become a slave to his appetite. They used bad language and cursed around him constantly. They exposed him to lusting womean. They exposed him to dishonor and distrust. He was surrounded 24 hours a day to everything that could drag the soul of a man as low as it can go. For over six months he had this treatment - but not once did the young boy buckle under pressure. Finally, after all the intense temptation, they asked him why he had not given in to these things - why had he not taken part in any of the evil activities? All of the things they offered him would have provided him pleasure, and they were desirable. The boy said, "I cannot do what you ask, for I was born to be a king."
Notice his remarkable response to the cirsumstances and the pressures around him. When you have received Jesus Christ as your Lord and personal Savior, you have become a son or a daughter of the Most High God, The King of kings and the Lord of lords. You are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. Sin has NO POWER over you UNLESS you give in. Just like the son of King Louis YOU AND I HAVE A CHOICE. You do not have to give in to sin. Just like the young prince even if you are faced with temptations, circumstances and situations like he did - YOU HAVE A CHOICE.. WHAT WILL IT BE? Lindsay Coil
Invading Ma-a Jail for Jesus!

Last October, the staff and students of Spirit Life Bible College went to Ma-a Jail. We go there regularly as a ministry to preach in a church inside the jail. There are about 1000 plus prisoners.
This time we did a three-hour service for the church inside and all the inmates that were around us. I led praise and worship. The students participated by doing dramas and testimonies. Matt and two other staff members (Sandra and Keith) gave messages in between. It was a powerful time as the prisoners there were blessed and encouraged! Everybody had a wonderful time in the Lord! It was so awesome to see everybody praising and worshipping God!